Your Physical Therapy hub

Your Physical Therapy hub

Stay on track with your PT exercises and recover faster

Stay on track with your PT exercises and recover faster

Resopta digitizes your home exercise plan and enables you to upload personal video demonstrations so you can have your exercises in your pocket at all times!

Your exercises are the key to recover and get back to your best self — they are the medicine of Physical Therapy…

…but forgetting to do or even how to do your exercises happens to the best of us!

We've been there, and that's why we built Resopta

We want to help you get the most out of your PT


Mobile and web application with optional text/email reminders

Track and monitor

Leverage feedback forms to record how you're feeling

One stop shop

Keep track of your current exercises, past exercises, daily feedback logs, and goals

Celebrate progress

Reference your progress overtime - and celebrate recorded breakthroughs


Upload your PT exercises from your appointment and your own video/audio demonstrations

Recover faster

Get better at adhering to your exercise plan and recover faster

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